Individual service for designers


We can help you make your customers’ dreams of wood come true—whether they have their heart set on a sauna, terrace, or stunning interior cladding. With our help, you get to realize your vision using individual solutions tailored to your wishes and dimensions, while your customer gets to enjoy a top-quality wood solution that pleases both the eye and the mind. If you can imagine it, we can make it a reality.

Order a Karava sample box containing pieces of the types of wood we process!


Which wood are your dreams made of? Alder, hemlock, cedar, ash...or maybe something else?

Getting the feel of the alternatives and seeing them with your own eyes helps you design stunning wooden surfaces with even more confidence. You can order a KARAVA sample box free of charge to get pieces of the types of wood we process.

Order your sample box by contacting us at

List the types of wood you are interested in and include your address and phone number in the email.

Store and Showroom:
Jasperintie 297
33960 Pirkkala
Mon–fri 8-16

Contact information:
0207 345 370

© 2022 Kärävä Oy